

CPG and CIPS Event: The Security Challenges of Emerging Technologies, OCTOBER 20, 2023

EVENT REPORT can be accessed here:

The Security Challenges of Emerging Technologies

Global Markets, Inequality, and the Future of Democracy

Highlights of My Reflections on the G78 Policy Conference

This is the title of the Group of 78 Conference held at the University of Ottawa in September 2019. The conference engaged some 16 Canadian economists, political scientists, sociologists and other expert presenters who were joined by key-note speaker, American political economist, Robert Kuttner. The purpose of the conference was to explore the roots of hyper-inequality, economic insecurity, higher unemployment, and the erosion of democracy over the last four decades.

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Speeding towards the Abyss: Contemporary Arms Racing and Global Security

Event Date: September 26, 2019 – 09:00am to 5:45pm
Location: FSS4007, 120 University, Ottawa
Presented by CIPS and the Canadian Pugwash Group 

The ‘arms race’ is a concept associated with the Cold War and often assumed to have ended with it. The current international security situation has led to a revival of arms racing amongst an expanded grouping of rival states. The breakdown of the strategic relationship between Russia and the US has prompted a resurgence of an arms competition that is affecting all the nuclear weapon powers and that places new stress on the global nuclear restraint regime embodied in the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).  Technological advances have also led to the initiation of arms racing in entirely new domains such as cyber, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and outer space.

This one-day conference offers a unique opportunity to hear the views of experts on the implications of this new round of arms racing for global security and  what countries like Canada can do about it.

Date: Thursday, September 26 – 9:00 am – 5:45 pm

Venue: Social Sciences Building, Room 4007, University of Ottawa

Admission: Free for students, Canadian Pugwash members and University of Ottawa faculty and staff. All others: $25 (a light luncheon is included). Registration and tickets are available here. For all payment inquiries, please contact Anna Bogic at

Conference program is available here.

CNANW workshop report: Canadian Leadership on Nuclear Disarmament

Workshop presented by Canadian Network to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (CNANW) and Canadians for a Nuclear Weapons Convention (CNWC) | October 1st, 2018 |
Rapporteur’s Report: Jessica West, Project Ploughshares


The workshop “Canadian Leadership for Nuclear Disarmament” jointly hosted by the Canadian Network to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (CNANW) and Canadians for a Nuclear Weapons Convention (CNWC) brought together civil society and academic experts with Canadian government representatives to dissect the current nuclear weapons context and identify opportunities for civil society engagement and Canadian government leadership on disarmament and non-proliferation. Key points from the discussion emphasize the coalescence of crisis and opportunity:

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