Unleashing the human potential in Canada’s north

Michael Byers
Inuvik — From Thursday’s Globe and Mail Wednesday, Aug. 19, 2009 03:43PM EDT

Unleashing the human potential in Canada’s north

Aaju Peter moved to Iqaluit in 1981. Her five children illustrate the Catch-22 in the Arctic economy: they have ambitions but lack training opportunities.

Arctic sovereignty includes me,” 22-year-old Nathaniel Chouinard says as he hands out posters emblazoned with that slogan at a young leaders summit on climate change.

The posters, which show an Inuit hunter in a traditional parka, are part of a campaign organized by a youth group at Arctic Bay, a community of just 720 people on northern Baffin Island. They are directed straight at Prime Minister Stephen Harper, who has spoken frequently of the need to “use or lose” the Arctic.

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