Canadians for a Nuclear Weapons Convention / Rassemblement canadien pour une convention sur les armes nucléaires


Canadians for a Nuclear Weapons Convention is a project of the Canadian Pugwash Group.

  • Online donations can be made through the Canadian Pugwash Group. Just click on the following link: I want to make my gift online
  • Our mail-in form appears below. Mailing instructions are found at the end of this document.


YES, I want to support Canadians for a Nuclear Weapons Convention

Here is my donation of $__________

Name: __________________________________________________

Street Address: _________________________________________

_______________________________ Postal Code: ____________

City: ___________________________ Province: _______________

[   ] I want to make my gift online
[   ] My cheque is enclosed, payable to “Canadian Pugwash Group – NWC Project”

Please print and return this portion of the letter addressed to Canadians for a Nuclear Weapons Convention, PO Box 2163 Station Terminal, Vancouver, BC, V6B 3V3

Thank you!